Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Weathering Jerusalem

The forecast for today was rain, tomorrow more rain, Friday and Saturday maybe snow (which would be the first snow in four years in Jerusalem). Do you think a little cold weather would stop this touring group from Colorado?...not a chance.

Today we got our first taste for the crowded jam packed Jerusalem. Our bus driver "Husam" is a miracle driver navigating traffic and tight squeezes.

We started our walk down from the top of the Mount of Olives on the road that Jesus entered Jerusalem on the famed "Palm Sunday". That hill was steep, we even had one lady fall due to the slippery bricks on the steep road. Thankfully Gayle is ok. We stopped to overlook the Eastern gate and from there could see many biblical sights including the City of David. Before I knew it we were standing in the Garden of Gethsemene. It was surprisingly the way I'd pictured it. Olive trees spread over a small grove with rocky soil surrounding the area. It hadn't yet began to rain, but the cold wind violently was whistling through the trees. Pastor Al gave a powerful message about curses and blessings. Reminding us about David and how when he was being challenged by his son Absolom for the kingdom as he was fleeing a man was hurling curses at him. David permitted him to curse him that his curses may become a blessing. Also, this was the place Jesus came to pray before he was arrested as he prayed "not my will, but Yours". What I came away with was that this place, was an inspiring place of surrender to one's self. Both Jesus and David facing situations that seemingly they didn't have to face, but denied themselves to trust in the Holy authority of God's plan. This was the most powerful and meaningful moment to me so far on this trip.

As I stood there, tears welling in my eyes, thinking about the pain (curse) that Tracy and I have faced in the past year or so. I had began to think or feel as though the blessing wasn't coming. That this season wasn't ending. That this was it, this is as good as it gets...then it hit me. So what if it is!

I belong to God.

My flesh is funny that way. Slowly but surely luring me back into the idea that I deserve pleasure or relief from any pain. Flesh is great at pulling my focus off of God and placing it back on what I think I need or deserve. Yet I still hold onto hope because I serve a GOOD God.

Ok, tears subsiding, we continue on our way into Old Jerusalem into the Jewish Square. Winding down old streets with high walls leading us down narrow paths by bakeries, gift shops and other touristy stops along the way.

We stop into an interesting little area off to the side called "The Jerusalem Institute". This is a place where a group of people are creating temple items from the old testament that will one day supposedly go in the 3rd temple that needs to be built before Jesus' return. Some parts were a little weird in their presentation, but mostly I found their study on the ancient temple pretty interesting, though some of it was inaccurate.

After that we left that area and headed for Bethlehem. Bethlehem was not at all what I'd imagined. Dirty, busy, crowded and then it started to pour cold rain on us. We had two stops. The first was to the Shepherds Field where we saw what they believe is the place where the Shepherds were when the angel appeared to them. Because of the heavy horizontal rain it was great that we got to go in a cave that would have been a manger/stable back in the day. If I was a shepherd back then I would have been in my cave today with a big fire going and knitting sweaters out of my sheep's wool.

After that we had our last stop at a church that is supposed to be built over the place where Jesus was born. You can stand in line for two hours to stick your hand in a hole that might have been the cave where Baby Jesus was born. This church is shared by three Religious groups. Catholic, Greek Orthodox and Armenian Orthodox. The Catholic part was familiar from the services that are broadcast from there all the time. The church was built by an the emperor Justinian. That's right, Justinian.

Cold, wet and tired we returned to our hotel. I played a few songs from the back of the bus to warm us up a bit. Nothing beats worship driving the streets of the Holy City.

Have a great day everyone!


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