Monday, February 20, 2012

Holy Land, here I come...

Waking up to an inch of snow, packing a few more items, went to the bank to get cash, dog food (for the dogs, not me), scooped the walks, kissed my wife good bye, cried a little, rode to DIA, checked in and now I'm waiting to go.

Our group is large, but close like family. Conversations are easy and abundant. There's an anticipation in the group to board, but not to sit for 10 hours on a plane.

My mind still races as I sit here and people watch. "Did I pack everything?", "Does it matter if I didn't?", "what is Israel really like?", "What will London be like?", "Man, I wish Tracy was here."
Leaving Tracy at home was the hardest part of this trip. You don't know how much someone is a part of your heart till you kiss them goodbye for two weeks and you turn to mush.

The flight crew just showed up for our 777 plane (which is a beast by the way) their group was about as big as ours. I've already noticed how much more pleasant and accommodating British Air staff is from our normal American Airlines and Delta crews we usually fly with.

Well, we are boarding soon. Hopefully I can post in London where we have a 13hr layover, but if not it'll be Wednesday...hopefully.



  1. Have a safe flight, take pictures, I am eagar to read all about your trip. I have always wanted to visit isreal. Gods speed for a safe journey my friend!!

  2. Getting ready for bed and the dogs did well. Cooper and I played fetch until my fingers were numb. Love you so much. Can't wait to hear from you tomorrow.

  3. Hope you can get some sleep! Nighty night!
